Discover the Wunderworld!
Here at Wunderthings we are passionate about reducing waste. Jump into the Wunder-World to find out how we are making an impact, and discover how you can too.
What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome?
The truth about toxic shock syndrome, and how period underwear can help! TSS is a potentially life-threatening condition that can arise from having a tampon in for too long...
Period Undies VS pads and tampons
Here at Wunderthings, our purpose is to help reduce the amount of waste single use plastics create and provide a more earth friendly way to period...
Tips For Predicting Your Next Period
Wouldn't it be great never to be caught by surprise by your period again? No more underwear, sheets or days ruined by the unexpected arrival of this month's bleed…
How To Reduce Your Household Waste
Help reduce your individual resource wastage with these sustainability tips from Wunderthings.
If everybody makes a little difference, that's a big difference.
What is sustainable fashion, really?
Sustainable fashion! The phrase alone can seem a little overwhelming, and that’s before you even delve into the reality of contemporary – or unsustainable – fashion...
What's so wunderful about our Fabric?
The beauty of regenerated nylon is that this process can be repeated on the same product, and it’ll still leave a soft and silky material every time. The exponential regeneration potential...